As we wrap up PAD Awareness month, our very grateful patient wanted us to share her success story. Her podiatrist referred her urgently with a very painful and discolored L 5th toe for a few days following a fall. She had a prior history of L leg claudication which she thought was sciatica for many months. Ultrasound and angiography revealed a focal critical L external iliac artery stenosis which was fixed in the office at #vivevascular. She went from being scared and apprehensive about losing her leg to optimistic and full of life after the procedure! The icing on the cake...we treated her on her 66th birthday!!!
Time from referral to appt at Vive...1 day
Time from appt to revasc................3 days
Total procedure time.......................20 min
Total time under anesthesia............0 min
Total time spent in a hospital..........0 min